Note: Only Super Admin, Editors, and Authors can embed Google Drive videos. Click here for more information about user roles.

Turn on Video Sharing
  • Upload a video to your Google Drive
  • Click the Get link button

Google Drive Video file Get Shareable Link button

  • Under General access, select Anyone with the link from the drop down list

google drive share popup

  • Click Done
  • On the Share settings window, copy the Link to share

URL of the link to share

  • Click Done

Get the Video’s Embed Code

  • Double-click to launch the video in Google drive
  • Click the three vertical dots (More actions) in the upper right corner of the Google drive window

google drive more actions menu

  • Click Open in new window

Open in new window menu item

  • In the new window, click the More actions button

more actions button in the view window

  • Click Embed item…

Embed item.. menu item

  • Copy the iframe code

iframe pasted code


Add the embed code to your page or post

  • Select the Custom HTML block under the Widgets category

custom html block in block directory

  • Paste the iframe code in the HTML box

pasted html code

Note: The embedded video will be visible on the published page/post.